Piano Tuning

Piano Tuning Singapore

Depending on how frequently you use or move your piano, its sound, and performance are likely to get affected. Therefore, piano tuning is one of the most important things to do from time to time in order to ensure the best experience with the instrument. However, the process of piano tuning in Singapore is rather complicated and requires some serious skills, solid techniques, and immense concentration on the piano tuner’s behalf to restore your piano’s sound.

RapidSG Mover’s piano tuning services in Singapore are built around this important and basic element of playing piano. Our recommended piano tuners use a wide range of tuning tools to get the rich sound of your piano back to how it should be. No matter why you need piano tuning assistance, whether due to seasonal changes, humidity levels, or frequent temperature swings, our experts have their piano tuning kits, hammers, etc. along with them to restore the instrument’s pitch perfectly.

What Does Hiring Our Piano Tuning Services in Singapore Include?

  1. First, you bring your piano to us and we evaluate your piano’s condition;
  2. According to the results of the evaluation, we’ll perform the three basic steps needed for the maintenance of your piano’s sound, i.e. tuning, voicing, and regulation;
  3. Once we’re done, you come to the workshop and play your piano along with another perfectly tuned instrument to compare the sound and pitch.

The service we provide also comes with recommendations for piano lifesaver system installation, if you need one. Also, we could supply you with recommendations for piano repair services, should you require any. In general, RapidSG Mover recommends getting your piano through a piano tuning process every six months.

Call us now to find out more, get a quote and schedule an appointment for your piano tuning!



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